I know it may seem self-serving for me to tell you that making a donation to CANI will make you feel really good. But it’s true. Imagine the power of a gift that helps people who are struggling to make ends meet. Imagine a family who cannot put enough food on the table, or is facing eviction or foreclosure, or having their heat disconnected during this cold winter season… and then imagine that you can help.
Without question - in my twelve years at CANI - I have never seen the demand for help so great. We are literally getting over 1,000 calls per week for heating assistance. While we have been able to help more people in certain areas, we continue to have waiting lists in virtually every program we provide. And I know that we are not alone - our partner agencies are experiencing the exact same thing.
Unfortunately, this increased need has been coupled with more pressure than ever before on the resources we have to help people. CANI, like many organizations in our community, has seen funding cut severely or altogether for some programs. This very simply results in fewer resources to help people at a time when we have more people to help.

If you have the ability to give, please consider a gift to those who are less fortunate – those whose needs may be greater than yours at this moment. There are so many ways you can help – how you do it is not important. The important thing is that you do it.
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