The Internet can provide a wealth of information and can add real value to our lives. However, low-income families often lag behind their middle income peers when it comes to access to the Internet. This is known as the “digital divide.” According to the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 63 percent of families with incomes under $30,000 use the Internet; while 92 percent of families earning $50,000-$74,999 are online.
Think of the daily tasks you perform online: banking, completing applications, and even staying informed about current events. Imagine if you didn’t have this convenience. It’s easy to take such a tool for granted. As more and more offices and institutions are becoming paperless, the need for high-speed Internet access is becoming imperative.
There are multiple benefits for low-income families when services are provided online. With access to information and the potential ability to submit applications any time, families are not limited to applying for benefits in-person at local offices within specific timeframes. Also, transportation is not a barrier when you can take care of business from a computer anywhere.
At CANI, we try to accommodate families’ schedules, but it’s impossible to cater to everyone. That’s why Internet access can be very important, especially for working parents who might not have flexible schedules. We offer several of our applications online, but a lot of families still depend on on-site appointments to get assistance because they may not have access to the internet.
Many individuals rely on resources like the public library system to do online tasks. We are fortunate to have a great library system in Allen County that offers this resource and many others, but not every community has that.
CANI has recently learned of a company who is trying to make the Internet more accessible for low-income families. Comcast is offering an Internet Essentials package to families whose children receive free school lunches. Internet Essentials is aimed at helping more students and families have access to the Internet. In addition to a lower price, the Internet Essentials package offers a low-cost computer available at initial enrollment and access to free training.
We applaud companies who are willing to offer services at a fair price to people who have limited incomes. This is a step in the right direction.
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