The school year is over. For most, summer conjures up pleasant images: swimming pools, ice cream, baseball games, family vacations. For many low-income children the summer isn’t always a day at the beach. Still, there are ways for YOU to help and make a difference in a child’s life:
Low-income children and youth often miss out on fun childhood experiences due to money constraints or transportation issues.
How you can help: Donate money to CANI’s Youth Program or serve as a mentor for a middle-school aged student for a career shadow session. Mentors are needed in the following professions: Teacher (2), Mediator/Facilitator, OB-GYN, Lawyer (2), Nurse, Special Education Teacher, Physical Therapist, Forensic Scientist, Pet store owner/Veterinarian (2), Police Officer, and Video Game Designer. Mentors will need to commit to 3-5 days during one of the following weeks: June 27, July 11 or July 18. This is a great opportunity to empower youth and enhance your company’s reputation. Contact Rachel Eldridge for more information.
How you can help: Support Wellspring’s Summer Day Camp program – one of the few free Day Camp options available during the summer.
How you can help: Become a Big Brother or Big Sister – this will help not just during the summer, but all year long.
Many children rely on the school system for two square meals a day. What happens in the summer? Are they eating healthy food or any at all?
How you can help: Donate food to a summer program or food bank. Locally, Community Harvest Food Bank has a Kids Café, where they serve hot meals for children in need.
Many students who struggle academically are assigned a tutor during the school year. This is great, but they need year-round attention to improve or stay on track for the next year.
How you can help: Volunteer for a summer volunteer opportunity through Learn United. Low-income students fall behind academically during the summer because they are not exposed to the same kinds of learning opportunities as their wealthier counterparts.
Wellspring's summer day camp program is fantastic, my daughter has gone there the past 2 years and looks forward to it each summer.