Upon his death in September, CANI founder William G. William left a legacy in the community rivaled by few others. A true champion of the poor, he helped to establish many of the agency’s programs, several of which are still in existence today in some form.
The award was first created to honor the efforts of the now late William G. Williams, the first executive director of the Allen County Economic Opportunity Council, the former name of CANI.
In addition to Mr. Williams, past winners include current CANI Executive Director Joe Conrad and posthumously John Beeson of New Castle. Beeson was an employee of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority and a champion of the poor.
We’re asking for your help! Maybe you know someone who has made significant efforts in the fight against poverty.
Here’s what we’re looking for specifically:
Nominees for the William G. Williams Award should demonstrate a commitment to helping communities, families, and individuals remove the causes and conditions of poverty. An award winner will be chosen based on the significance of his or her contributions in one or more of the following areas:
1. Helping low-income people become more self-sufficient.
2. Improving the conditions in which low-income people live.
3. Helping low-income people own a stake in their community.
4. Creating partnerships among supporters and providers of service to low-income people.
5. Increasing CANI’s capacity to achieve results.
6. Helping low-income people, especially vulnerable populations, achieve their potential by strengthening family and other supportive systems.
If you know of someone who fits the bill, do not hesitate to nominate him or her. E-mail me, laurencaggiano@canihelp.org, for an application.
Nominations are due April 15. The recipient will be honored at CANI’s annual meeting on May 4.
I shared information about the opportunity on the IACED blog. Please let us know if the Indiana Association for Community Economic Development (IACED) can be a resource in further promoting this or other CANI opportunities.