Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Take the summer "on"

The school year is over. For most, summer conjures up pleasant images: swimming pools, ice cream, baseball games, family vacations. For many low-income children the summer isn’t always a day at the beach. Still, there are ways for YOU to help and make a difference in a child’s life:

Low-income children and youth often miss out on fun childhood experiences due to money constraints or transportation issues.

How you can help: Donate money to CANI’s Youth Program or serve as a mentor for a middle-school aged student for a career shadow session. Mentors are needed in the following professions: Teacher (2), Mediator/Facilitator, OB-GYN, Lawyer (2), Nurse, Special Education Teacher, Physical Therapist, Forensic Scientist, Pet store owner/Veterinarian (2), Police Officer, and Video Game Designer. Mentors will need to commit to 3-5 days during one of the following weeks: June 27, July 11 or July 18. This is a great opportunity to empower youth and enhance your company’s reputation. Contact Rachel Eldridge for more information.

How you can help: Support Wellspring’s Summer Day Camp program – one of the few free Day Camp options available during the summer.

How you can help: Become a Big Brother or Big Sister – this will help not just during the summer, but all year long.

Many children rely on the school system for two square meals a day. What happens in the summer? Are they eating healthy food or any at all?

How you can help: Donate food to a summer program or food bank. Locally, Community Harvest Food Bank has a Kids Café, where they serve hot meals for children in need.

Many students who struggle academically are assigned a tutor during the school year. This is great, but they need year-round attention to improve or stay on track for the next year.

How you can help: Volunteer for a summer volunteer opportunity through Learn United. Low-income students fall behind academically during the summer because they are not exposed to the same kinds of learning opportunities as their wealthier counterparts.

1 comment:

  1. Wellspring's summer day camp program is fantastic, my daughter has gone there the past 2 years and looks forward to it each summer.
